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Listed below is a short list of
health problems. Click a subject to read statements from real people
have suffered with these problems. I struggled with anemia long before I realized what it was. In High School I had every test my doctors could think of to help resolve my low energy. When I was in college, I was told I was anemic and given an iron supplement. Since that time, I have done many things to help my body absorb iron because supplementation alone has never seemed to do the trick. Recently, I found out about "first-milking" colostrum and began taking 1000 mgs. a day. Now, 8 months later, my blood tests are all in the normal range - finally. My energy level is balanced and I feel good; no more exhausting fatigue. The only change I made was adding colostrum ... in fact, a lot of days I missed taking my iron. This is the best news I've had in years! L. Whetten -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I used to have arthritis so badly that I couldn't close my hands completely. My knuckles were badly swollen and my fingers were so misshapen and stiff that I couldn't lay my hands flat on a table. I began taking 4 capsules of colostrum a day and within 2-4 months I could make a fist again. With that encouragement I increased my dosage to 10 capsules a day and I began to notice that the swelling in my knuckles was slowly going down. Today, one year later, I can stretch my hand out flat on the table and the size of my knuckles is at least a half inch less than it used to be. Besides that, my complexion is better and I just plain feel healthier. J. Toennis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was diagnosed with adult asthma several years ago. This condition is brought on by allergies. Usually, during the allergy season I miss anywhere from 1-7 days of work. I am an office manager for a large dental practice and I cannot afford to be off work much. I have been taking "first-milking" colostrum for about 3 months and I can honestly say I have not had one allergy attack. I have also felt better and had more energy. J. Odom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Alice and I am 57 years old. I started taking "first-milking" colostrum 8 months ago and it has been extremely important to my well being. I injured my left shoulder over 25 years ago and had been taking 1000 mg. of Naprosyn every day for the bursitis for more years than I care to think about. I also had been taking prescription medication for hot flashes after a hysterectomy. Since my introduction to colostrum, I have stopped taking medication for hot flashes and most importantly, I have discontinued the use of the Naprosyn for bursitis - completely! Alice -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About 8 months ago I was so tired that I could barely hold my head up and did not feel like doing much of anything. I started taking colostrum 3 at a time 3 times a day and after 1 week my energy level had increased so much that I played golf with my son. My triglycerides dropped from 390 to 249 and my cholesterol dropped from 250 to 157. I have found "first-milking" colostrum to be the best and I would not want to be without it. D. Kinmar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chronic bronchitis and sinusitis I have been taking "first-milking" colostrum for over 6 months now. I don't take the full recommended dosage but even the small amount I take has greatly improved my health. I used to get bronchitis and sinusitis infections several times a year. I have only had 1 small sinus infection this entire year! Whenever I feel something coming on, I increase the amount I take and either end up not getting sick or with much milder symptoms. Stacie G. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have had Chronic Fatigue since 1992. Besides the lack of energy and the discomfort it causes, I also gradually lost the strength and stamina to exercise and lift weights the way I had always done. When I heard about colostrum in the Fall of 1998, I began taking a well-known brand. I started with the advanced dose and I experienced the healing crisis I had read about. For about 5 days I felt like I had the flu, but when that passed, I got an immediate boost in energy. I began running again and I got to the place where I could run between 1 and 2 miles, 3 times a week. However, I also noticed that if I tried to do more, I would experience inflammation and all the old symptoms. A year and a half later I heard about the additional benefits of "first-milking" colostrum and decided to try it. I was amazed when I experienced a healing crisis all over again even though I had already been taking another brand. Now, after only 60 days on the more potent product, I am running 2 1/4 miles, 5 days a week and also aggressively working out 5 days a week - without inflammation or other symptoms. I feel 99% better and I am really excited to see what happens in the next few months. R. Jorgensen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chronic fatigue and immune deficiency I've had chronic fatigue syndrome for 14 years and then I was diagnosed with primary immune deficiency. I knew that I needed the immunoglobulins that were in colostrum and I had been trying brand after brand without success. I was becoming very pessimistic because I knew the immunoglobulins were absolutely necessary for me. When I tried the "first-milking" colostrum I was greatly surprised because there was no asthma (I am allergic to milk and the other brands of colostrum had caused stomach trouble and asthma). In fact, the "first-milking" colostrum eventually solved the milk allergy almost entirely. Seven hours after taking those first capsules I stopped getting worse and within several days I was back to "normal." The colostrum seemed to help even more than another immunoglobulin product I had used. Also my digestion, which had been an almost continuous problem for 11 years is now over 95% better than it was. Many supplements and medications give me a rash, colostrum does not and applied topically, helps the skin problems caused by the other substances. I am not yet totally well and I am continuing to take other supplements and medications (although I was able to cut back on some). I know that the colostrum is an essential part of the improvement I am enjoying and I feel very grateful. D.M. Tumbers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have lymphocytic leukemia and I have had chronic pain for 20 years resulting from 18 operations, including a total knee replacement and four major back surgeries. The leukemia has caused anemia and I have taken heavy pain medication for years. In January of 1998, I was introduced to colostrum and I began taking 1500 mgs/day (3 capsules). After several months I noticed that my appetite had returned and that I felt much better. I increased the amount of colostrum I was taking to 2500 mgs/day and I was able to cut back on my pain medication. My monthly blood tests showed that I was no longer anemic. My Oncologist was amazed and told me to continue doing whatever I was doing. My white blood count is still up (an indicator of the leukemia) but other indicators have been stable. I ran out of colostrum for about 3 weeks and noticed that the pain was beginning to return. I was feeling weak and losing my appetite again. However, after resuming the colostrum, the pain was reduced to manageable levels and my appetite returned. I no longer have any pain at all in my knee and I can exercise on an "air walker" - something I never did before I started taking colostrum. I recently increased the colostrum to 4000mgs/day and I am hopeful that I will be able to reduce my pain medication even further. Peter O. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Concentration and focus for Children I have three children who recently started taking the children's chewable colostrum. I am amazed at the difference in their ability to concentrate and focus. I have had a unique opportunity to monitor their progress since I am home schooling my children this year. In a very short period of time, I have seen dramatic differences in memory retention, focus and concentration. This was so beautifully illustrated when my 11 year-old son participated in an annual speech contest. A year ago, he had extreme difficulty memorizing and recalling information. But this year, with the colostrum, his preparation was so much less stressful. He memorized with greater ease and his delivery was exceptional. He took note cards which he didn't even need to use. My other children are experiencing similar benefits and I am pleased with their progress. With all the attention difficulties in schools these days I wish every child could be given the benefits my children are getting from colostrum. T. Hardgrave -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In 1997, after having had other heart problems I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. I was told that I had an enlarged heart and that there was a certain percentage of it that was actually "dead." My doctor told me he had never seen a heart muscle rebuild from that kind of damage. I was told that I would have to severely limit my physical exercise for the rest of my life. I discovered "first-milking" colostrum and began taking it along with my other supplements. I couldn't believe the results and neither could my doctors. I recently had a number of tests including an echo cardiogram, X-rays and an EKG. After 1 year of taking colostrum, tests showed that my heart was back to normal size - and now my doctor said that one of the best things I could do was exercise. A. Reynolds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am a retired school teacher who has kept in touch with health and nutritional advances for many years. I have been aware of the research on colostrum for some time and I had even tried a couple of different brands which did help me with overall energy. However, when I tried this "first-milking" colostrum, some really significant things have happened. To my great surprise, it has resolved a lifelong constipation problem. My bowel movements are smoother and softer and the bleeding fissures I occasionally suffered from have become a thing of the past. The next major improvement was in my skin. The red rash from dermatitis that I have had for a long time is almost gone after about 8 months. I have also noticed that my outlook on life is more positive and that I just feel better. When the flu bug arrived this last winter, I worked through it with much greater ease than normal; certainly more quickly than others in my area. Ronald O. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was so depressed and so sick for almost 2 years with diabetes, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis that I didn't really care anymore. I was too sick to support myself and I didn't know how I would get through each day. When I began taking colostrum, the first thing I noticed was that my appetite changed. (With diabetes, you can eat a big meal and still feel hungry.) After several weeks on the colostrum, I didn't feel hungry any more. I noticed that my energy was increasing and that I wasn't as depressed. Then I noticed that my blood sugar levels were changing. With careful monitoring (2-4 times a day), I have been able to lower my insulin from 96 units /day to 10 units /day during the last 9 months. I used to take lots of pain medication - now I take none; a good warm bath is all I need to help with occasional pain from overwork. Yes! I am working again and supporting myself after 2 years of not being able to. I have also lost weight - it almost rolled off me as the severe swelling in my whole body disappeared. All this didn't happen at once, so I would encourage people to have patience. Pat B. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had no idea colostrum could make such a difference in my lifestyle. I have Type II diabetes and the medication I take gives me diarrhea - to the point that I often wondered if I would make it to work in the morning. It was only 2 weeks after beginning the colostrum that I noticed marked improvement. Now, after two and a half months, the improvement is what I would call "major." I no longer worry about being away for longer periods of time and I can spend 2 hours on the golf course when I want to. Jim C. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am a hair dresser and because of my occupation I am around numerous chemicals on a daily basis. After years of exposure, my immune system had taken a beating. At one point in my career I participated with other hair dressers in a study to determine the long-term effects of the chemicals we use. I had blood tests, allergy tests, and white cell counts under varying circumstances. In the end, it was determined that I was on toxic overload with very little I could do about it if I continued as a hair dresser. When I discovered colostrum I had been ill for a long time. I had missed so many appointments that it was beginning to be a real problem. It was my colleagues who strongly suggested that I try it. I had a runny nose for about 10 days when I began taking the colostrum and then things started to clear up and I noticed energy - not a "speedy" feeling but real energy. The colostrum has also cleared my lungs and I can breathe deeply. Now I run around here at work and everyone wonders what has happened to me. M. Chavez -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three years ago I was diagnosed with active Epstein Barr virus. I was tired and achy all the time. I had swollen glands and a constant sore throat. I did my best to stay as active as possible and I was faithful about a healthy diet - including my daily green drink. Although I was never actually bedridden, the continual fatigue was trying. When I began taking "first-milking" colostrum, I initially felt very sick. I got a fever and was even more tired for a couple of days. Then I got my strength back and I felt more energy than I had felt in 3 years. The aches and pains subsided and the perpetual sore throat went away. The acne I used to get on a monthly basis has disappeared and my skin is much smoother than it has been in a long time. I actually quit taking the colostrum to prove to myself that there was a difference. Sure enough, in about 5 days the aches and pains began again and I felt that familiar sore throat coming back. Within a couple of days after taking colostrum again the symptoms disappeared. I'm so happy to know what it's like to feel healthy again. J. Solitro -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For 30 years I was a graphic artist and cartoonist, my eyes were my life. Then my eyesight began to diminish until I was declared legally blind and not able to work. When I began taking the "first-milking" colostrum, I had no idea it would help my eyes. Then, the other day I went for a walk and found myself admiring my neighbor's flowers. I could see details I hadn't seen in years. Then I noticed that I could read the numbers on the houses - something else I hadn't been able to do. I literally jumped for joy. In fact, I became so excited that I stepped off the curb and dislocated my knee. I was so excited about what had begun to happen for my eyes that I was convinced it would help heal my knee. I went home and took colostrum and MSM all night long. I have no idea how many I took, but I had the most incredible night. The healing that took place was not just a physical healing. I felt pains in places where I had received injuries throughout my life. It's hard to explain but for me the healing was spiritual and deeply cleansing. My knee was so much better that I went for a 15-mile bike ride 3 days later. Shirley Shannon -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have had Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia since 1986. Refusing to go on disability, I have continued to search for answers within the health community. I believe in whole foods and good nutrition and I have learned to let go of a lot of things that cause stress in my life. Despite my progress, I found myself bedridden for almost 2 months last September. I could barely lift my head off the pillow, and I was so discouraged. I asked God to give me something that would "jump start" my immune system and bring me back to health. Believe it or not, the very next day my daughter brought me a newspaper about colostrum. When I read that colostrum could literally "jump-start" the immune system, I knew that God had answered my prayers. I bought a 100% pure first-milking colostrum and began taking it immediately. Literally, within 24 hours I had regained enough energy to go out to lunch with a friend, and was gone for 5 hours. I couldn't believe it. The following day I actually felt like a young girl. I wouldn't have believed it if someone had told me the results could be that profound. I took about 11,000 mgs/day for several months, before backing off to a lesser amount (4,000-6,000 mgs/day), which I am committed to take regularly. I have also had some marvelous success with slimming down since taking the colostrum. I have lost inches without altering my diet. I share this discovery with all my friends - many of whom have their own amazing stories to tell. Janet D. In August of 1998 I was unable to read because I could no longer turn the pages of a book. I could no longer play the piano or knit or use my fingers for anything. They ached so badly from fibromyalgia. Then I heard about colostrum from a friend. I began taking 20 capsules a day and in 9 months I was pain free!! - something I thought would never again be. Now I take 1 to 3 capsules each day and my life is filled with happiness. I am in the process of writing a book on chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia and I pray that many like me will find and use this superior product simply because it works. By the way, I am the world's greatest "tester." When I am feeling well, I go off the colostrum just to see if it is really working. In about a week or less my hands hurt all over again so much that I cannot hold the cup by its handle. I cannot do dishes nor can I vacuum or even wash myself without them hurting so badly. I have done this many times just to SEE if the colostrum does indeed work. Even the first day after taking colostrum again the pain seems to be alleviated. Thus, after testing my theory many times over the months I am your firmest believer that "first-milking" colostrum is the best thing that ever happened for my fibromyalgia. Rev. A. Newman -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Headaches, skin problems and chronic pain I am 75 years old, now, but according to doctors, I was never supposed to live this long. I have something called a histamine overflow and I have allergies to practically everything. I also have fibromyalgia. The pain and headaches I have had are difficult to understand unless you suffer from this problem. When I started taking colostrum I took 3, twice a day. Within a week I noticed an increase in my energy but I didn't notice anything else until I had been taking it for a while. The chronic headaches I used to have are 90% better and my sleep is also greatly improved. Now I take 5 capsules, twice a day. After noticing these results, I decided to make a topical formula for my skin. I mixed colostrum with extra virgin olive oil and put it on my face at night. Believe it or not, there is hair growing from the places in my hairline where it had begun to get thin. Also a small mole on my face has disappeared. I recently began putting it on a seed wart which has totally disappeared after several weeks. Dorothy H. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In April 1998 I was diagnosed with hepatitis C. I refused interferon therapy and went for the natural approach to healing. I was exhausted all the time, work and play were sharply affected and I would get gall bladder attacks which were horrible. I knew something else had to be done. I made many good changes and took natural remedies to build my immune system and support my liver function but 3 months later the "bad" numbers in my blood had gone up. I was already familiar with colostrum but hadn't taken it for a while. When I found the "first-milking" colostrum I discovered that it was much more potent than what I had taken before. I began taking 8 capsules per day along with lots of "good" water and my usual supplements. I could tell the difference within days. Today, I feel wonderful - healthy skin and nails too. No liver problems show up and I have plenty of energy and an optimistic outlook. I have only had 2 mild gall bladder attacks since beginning with colostrum. I feel colostrum is the main agent to my healing. C. Sun -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For 5 to 6 years I have struggled with hypoglycemia. Nearly everyday, several hours after lunch, I would feel its effects. I would get woozy and often have to sit down until it passed. Not anymore! Several months after taking colostrum, the afternoon hypoglycemia attacks ceased completely and I have not been bothered since. My blood sugar levels are in the normal range again. When I started taking 6 capsules/day I noticed that my energy levels went through the roof! For the first time in my life, I didn't get sick at all during the winter and when summer came my allergies were noticeably milder. Charles R. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have had irritable bowel syndrome for 6 years. Any kind of stress would cause more severe symptoms (cramping, bloating, pain, poor digestion and constipation). I have taken antispasmodic drugs on and off but nothing has ever done anything more than suppress the symptoms for a short period of time. I started taking "first-milking" colostrum 5 days ago and I was amazed at how quickly it began to help. After only 5 days my symptoms are gone! I still can't believe it. I suppose a part of me really didn't think it would work, but I have gone from being bloated most of the time to being completely free of the bloating, cramping and digestive distress. I have also lost weight - another added surprise. B. Chittenden In November of 1999 I started having gastrointestinal trouble. I was in constant discomfort for 2 months with gas, diarrhea, abdominal pain and occasional spasms. I lost 10 pounds because I was very limited in what I could eat. Since I work in a health food store, I tried every herb and natural remedy I knew for stomach distress. Nothing worked. Finally, in January I was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). My doctor said my stomach sounded like a washing machine. I tried the medication he prescribed but I only took it for 4 days because it made me so sleepy that I couldn't function. At this same time a distributor came into the store with a "first-milking" colostrum which was new to us. I started taking 6-8 a day and within 2 weeks my problems were gone! I can even eat jalapeno peppers again. I really feel great! S. Dublantis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am a tree surgeon and because of the line of work I am in, I do a lot of weight training to stay fit. I have tried a number of things, including a homeopathic form of HGH (Human Growth Hormone), but I have never been able to really gain weight. My weight has stayed relatively constant for 30 years, between 190 and 200 Lbs., until I started taking colostrum . After 3 months my weight had increased to 220 with no increase in body fat. I also noticed that I no longer needed an inhaler during the allergy season. I used to get colds and flu quite frequently but they are much less frequent now and they haven't kept me from working like they used to. David K. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I started taking colostrum because I thought it might help with bronchitis - which it did. But it has also made a profound impact on another area of my life. I used to have the worst PMS. Ever since I was a young woman I have had terrible cramps and severe mood changes for almost 2 weeks out of every month. I was easily agitated, anxious, moody and very difficult to get along with. It got to the point where I would plan my whole life around that time of month. I had even considered a hysterectomy. I had even tried several things which were supposed to help with PMS, like Evening Primrose Oil and extra B vitamins, but neither made much difference for me. However, within 2 months after I began taking 6 colostrum each day, I noticed major improvements. Now, my period comes and goes and I don't know the difference. I am not tired, I have no cramping, there is no clotting or heavy bleeding and I am calm - my whole disposition has changed! I have energy that I haven't had in years. I am in my forties but I really feel like I did when I was in my twenties. Judy D. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Several months ago I began experiencing a number of symptoms. Initially, I noticed an emptiness after meals - then bloating and gas. Later I began to have a tightness under my breastbone, a lump in my throat and often a shortness of breath. Skin problems also developed. These were so unusual for me that I decided to go to a natural doctor. I visited an Iridologist who told me I had parasites. He gave me an herbal detox and colostrum which I took for a month. When I returned a month later feeling much better he told me there was no longer evidence of the parasitic infection. I feel like colostrum played a big role in the elimination of these parasites and I plan to continue taking it. Amy D. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia 25 Years ago I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and more recently with fibromyalgia. Consequently, I have experienced more than my share of aches and pains. But even more debilitating than the pain and stiffness was the lack of energy. For about 2 years, if I wanted to do anything, I almost had to build up the energy for several days beforehand and then rest for an equal amount of time afterward - just to be able to do simple things like go shopping. I am happy to say, all that has changed. Within about a week after I began taking colostrum, I woke up one morning and I actually felt human. Ever since then, I have been able to do the things I used to do. My whole outlook on life has changed. I am no longer depressed and I have the energy that I did when I was 30 years old. I frequently forget to take that 2nd arthritis pill in the afternoon and it hasn't seemed to matter. The longer I take colostrum, the better it gets. L. Handy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I started taking colostrum because of what it did for my wife. She had so much energy she was fixing things and working in the yard - doing things she had never done before. I didn't realize it would help me lose weight but I have been able to lose 20 pounds during the last 3 months without changing anything in my diet. I used to play football in college but ever since I quit I have put on a little more weight each year. Three months ago I weighed 250 pounds - now I am down to 230 - without even trying. And since my energy has increased, I am golfing again which I am sure is helping too. Pete D. Order your
Colostrum today! Click here.